1. Does the exemption from the Municipal Tax on the Onerous Transfer of Real Estate (IMT) and Stamp Duty (IS) apply from the day of publication of the Decree-Law or from August 1, as announced by the Government?

The exemption applies to all acquisitions occurring from August 1, inclusive.

  1. I am 35 years old. The measure has been presented for young people up to 35 years old. Am I still covered?

The exemption applies to all young people who are 35 years old or younger at the date of acquisition.

  1. I could not schedule my deed for after August 1. Is the exemption retroactive? Or will I not be reimbursed for the IMT and IS that I paid?

No. The IMT and IS exemption applies to acquisitions occurring from August 1, inclusive.

  1. We are a couple, and one of us is over 35 years old. If we buy a house together, do we lose the right to the IMT and IS exemption?

If only one of the people meets the conditions of the law, the exemption applies only to the part that person will acquire (50%).

  1. Is the IMT and IS exemption also applicable to young foreigners?

The IMT and IS exemption applies to all young people who meet the conditions provided by law, regardless of nationality.

  1. The IMT and IS exemption is applicable to the purchase of properties up to €316,772. If I buy a property worth €500,000, am I entitled to the exemption?

For acquisitions between €316,772 and €633,453, there is a right to an exemption up to €316,772, with tax due only on the amount that exceeds this value.


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