Portugal Residence gold visa
What is a residence visa?
Portugal Residence gold visa
What is a residence visa?
Portuguese embassies and consular posts can issue several types of visas. Each visa has a different purpose, a period of validity, and grants temporary stay in the country only for the purpose for which it was granted. A residence visa is one of the visas that the Portuguese embassies and consular posts can issue.
This visa allows the holder to enter Portugal for the purposes of applying for a residence permit. This visa allows the holder to stay in Portugal for 120 days so that the applicant or he\she may lodge an application for a residence permit at the Immigration Office.
If I have a residence visa, am I considered a resident?
No, you are not. The holder of a residence visa is not a resident, he\she is only authorized to apply for a residence permit.
What are the types of residence visas?
There are different types of residence visas, depending on the purpose of the request:
- D1 Visa – Residence visa for carrying out a professional activity as an employee
- D2 Visa – Residence visa for carrying out a professional activity as a self-employed worker or for immigrant entrepreneurs
- D3 Visa – Residence visa for researchers or highly skilled workers
- D4 Visa – Residence visa for study, student exchange, traineeship or voluntary service;
- D5 Visa – Residence visa to facilitate the mobility of tertiary students;
- D6 Visa – Residence visa for the purposes of family reunification.
- D7 Visa – Residence visa for a foreign pensioner, a foreigner who has passive income and a foreigner who is carrying out religious activity.
Recently, the Portuguese government also created two more options:
a. Startup visa – is a hosting programme for foreign entrepreneurs who intend to develop an entrepreneurial and/or innovative business in Portugal, viewing to allow the granting of visas or residence authorization to these foreign entrepreneurs-
b. Tech visa – is a certification program addressed to companies that wish to attract highly qualified and specialized staff to Portugal.
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