Portugal launches visa for Digital nomads/remote workers

Digital nomads will be able to live and work in Portugal with the new visa which enters in force on October 30th, 2022.

Portugal launches visa for Digital nomads/remote workers

The digital nomad community is growing quickly in Portugal. Especially in Lisbon, you will find hundreds of these types of people who are working remotely as well. Portugal is a good option for digital nomads because it combines a good quality of life with a cheaper cost of living compared to many European nations and the U.S., for example, low crime rate, country´s natural beauties and others.

However, Portugal did not have an official type of residence visa for remote workers, like many other countries. In August, 2022, it was launched the new remote worker visa for Portugal and in September, 2022, the government released the requirements for its highly anticipated digital-nomad visa which will enter in force on October 30th, 2022.


Officially called “residence visa for the exercise of professional activity provided remotely outside the national territory”, the new visa will allow the granting of visa for subordinate workers and self-employed people who work remotely for employers domiciled or headquartered outside Portuguese territory.

To qualify, applicants must:

  1. Be from countries that are not members of the EU or EEA
  2. Be self-employed or employed by employers domiciled or headquartered outside Portugal and prove it
  3. Earn at least four times the Portuguese minimum wage per month of (i.e. at least €2,820.00, considering the minimum wage in 2022)

The visa lasts for 2 years, renewable for successive periods of 3 years.

Get in touch with us to understand how Digital nomads will be able to live and work in Portugal with the new visa which enters in force on October 30th, 2022..

Portugal launches visa for Digital nomads/remote workers

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