
Lília Portugal
Do you intend to emigrate to Portugal?
I will give you all the support you need in your legalization process

My office in Lisbon

Close to Parque das Nações

Av. da República, n.º 50 Escritório 352
1050-195 Lisboa
+351 912472444

immigration processes

Over 500 satisfied customers

Av. da República, n.º 50 Escritório 352
1050-195 Lisboa
+351 912472444

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In a first conversation, we can clarify the main doubts about the process of emigration to Portugal

+351 912472444

Encontre-nos no nosso escritório

Av. da República, n.º 50 Escritório 352
1050-195 Lisboa
+351 912472444


Paul Helderman

“Lilia has been very helpful assisting my partner and I navigating through the Portuguese bureaucracy. She was very generous with her time and would always be quick to respond to one of the many questions we would pose to her. For someone that’s not a native Portuguese speaker and not intimately familiar with the Portuguese system I can highly recommend Lilia to assist you in your legal matters” Paul Helderman

Adrian Render

“Lilia was very professional in helping me and very responsive to my communications. I would 100% recommend her services.” Adrian Render


Satisfied Customers

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