Como conseguir cidadania portuguesa escritório de advogados

Incorporation of company in Portugal

  1. How to incorporate a company in Portugal?

The incorporation of a company in Portugal is getting simpler and faster. Portugal looks for reducing bureaucracy and allowing people to incorporate their companies online.

  1. Is it necessary to have a Portuguese partner?

Portugal does not require a Portuguese citizen as a shareholder. Because of this, it is
possible for a Portuguese company to be incorporated only with foreigner

How to incorporate a company in Portugal?

  1. Required Documents

The required documentation may vary slightly, but basically, it is as follows:

  • Identification document;
  • Portuguese tax ID number;
  • Social pact (which may be a version pre-approved by the National Register of Legal
    • Certificate of admissibility of the corporate name, when applicable.
  1. Balcão Empresa na Hora

As the name suggests, Balcão Empresa na Hora is a way of setting up your company at
the time of your face-to-face service.
Through this service, commercial and civil companies can be incorporated in Portugal,
since they have one of the following types:

  • Single shareholder limited liability company;
  • Limited liability company;
  • Public limited liability companies, except European public limited companies.

In this case, the cost of incorporation of a company, in terms of fees, is €360,00.

  1. Empresa Online

The legal regime of Empresa Online allows people to incorporate private limited
liability companies, single-member limited liability companies and public limited
liability companies electronically.

Companies whose capital is paid up using contributions in kind cannot be incorporated
by Empresa Online in which, for the transfer of the assets with which the partners
enter the company, a more solemn form than the written form is required. European
public limited companies are also excluded.

The administrative fee to incorporate a company online is €220,00.

How to incorporate a company in Portugal?

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