Foreign citizens with

lawsuits pending in

the Immigration office


      • Foreign citizens with lawsuits pending in the Immigration office (SEF)  Meeting the needs of immigrants living in Portugal and who are in the process of regularization (granting a residence permit, renewing a residence permit or requesting asylum, refugee and subsidiary protection), through Order no. 44733-A/2020, of April 30, the Portuguese authorities established that it is considered the regulation of permanence in national territory of foreign citizens who have processes pending in SEF until April 30, 2021.The situation of foreign citizens can be verified through the following documents:
        1. a) In requests made by workers (self-employed or employed): proof of expression of interest;
          b) In requests made by investors (Golden Visa): proof of request issued by the registration platforms in use at the Foreigners and Borders Services;
          c) In other situations of processes pending with SEF, namely concessions or renewals of residence permits, either from the general regime or from the exceptional regimes: proof of the scheduling of an interview at the SEF or receipt of the request.

        These documents are considered valid before all public services, namely for obtaining the number of users in health centers, access to the National Health Service or other health care rights, access to social support benefits, signing of lease contracts, entering into employment contracts, opening bank accounts and contracting essential public services.

        This measure adopted by the Portuguese authorities is not equivalent to obtaining a residence permit. It must be clear that this measure intends to allow foreign citizens who are in the process of regularizing, the access to essential public services.



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