Golden Visa De Portugal Somos o seu advogado em parceria



Golden Visa is an attractive regime for international investors.

    • Who can apply for a Golden Visa?

The Golden Visa is a residence permit for investment activity (ARI) for foreign nationals from countries that are not members of the European Union who invest in Portugal. It should be noted that the applicant must maintain the investment for a minimum period of five years

    • Investment options:

      1. Transference of capital in the minimum amount of €1,000,000.00.
      2. Acquisition of real estate in the minimum amount of €500,000.00.
      3. Investment of, at least, €350,000.00 in the acquisition of real estate with, at least, 30 years over the construction date, or located in areas of urban rehabilitation, and with rehabilitation work on such property.
      4. Transference of capital in the minimum amount of €350,000.00, intended for the acquisition of units of participation in investment funds or capital risk, dedicated to the capitalization of companies, which are constituted under the Portuguese legislation, whose maturity, at the investment moment is at least five years and at least 60% of the value of the investments, is realized in commercial companies based in Portugal.
      5. Creation of, at least, 10 job positions.
      6. Transference of capital in the minimum amount of €250,000.00, as investment of support for artistic production, recovery or maintenance of national cultural heritage.
      7. Transference of capital in the minimum amount of €350,000.00, destined to the incorporation of a company of reinforcement of the share capital and creation of, at least, five jobs positions, and respective registration of the employees at the Social Security.
      8. Transference of capital in the amount of €350,000.00, applied in research developed by public or private research institutions which are part of the technological and scientific national system.
    • Family reunification

Close relatives of Golden Visa holders may apply for a temporary residence permit under the family reunification regime.
It is considered family members for the purpose of family reunification under the Golden Visa:

  1. Spouse or partner in de facto union.
  2. Minor or disabled children.
  3. Children older than 18 years old, who are studying, single and dependent on the Golden Visa´s holder.
  4. 1st degree ascendants, who are dependent on the Golden Visa´s holder.
  5. Minor siblings provided they are under the tutelage of the Golden Visa holder and provided that the tutelage decision is recognized by Portugal.
  • Minimum period of stay

The holder of a Golden Visa must remain in Portugal for at least seven days a year.
A Golden Visa residence permit is valid for two years and renewable for the same period.

  • Permanent residence permit and Portuguese nationality

After five years of legal residence in Portugal and since the other requirements of the law are met, such as sufficient knowledge of the Portuguese language, a Golden visa holder and their family may apply for a permanent residence permit or the acquisition of Portuguese citizenship.


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